The red clay road stretches toward bright, bold tones of a peaceful sea, falling in line with the sunlit horizon on a mild island afternoon. The idyllic scene grabs our attention, inviting a spontaneous detour off the beaten path, and in a split-second decision, we make the sharp turn, rolling our sporty rental car toward the unknown.
It’s summer 2003. My sister and I, along with a close friend, are on our first trip north of the U.S. border, exploring beautiful, unspoiled landscapes on the Canadian province of Prince Edward Island.
But this little jaunt down the red clay road is unplanned, not listed anywhere on the carefully mapped itinerary we spent months putting together.
We move forward anyway, noting tiny wildflowers and thick green overgrowth on both sides of the lane, bringing together a warm color contrast unlike any I’ve ever seen, outlined by tall weathered fence posts full of stories from the sea.
We have no idea where we’re going, or what we’ll find at land’s end, but isn’t that the excitement of ditching routine, and venturing off course every now and then?
Not knowing the beauty of what might be waiting just around the corner?
Soon, the narrow road surprises us, giving way to wide open space, high bluffs overlooking the ocean, and a white, red tipped lighthouse standing guard above the shoreline.
My sister later referred to it as a magical moment.
And I agree.
Without a soul in sight, it was as though we stumbled onto our own private island, the beach ours to explore for a glorious afternoon.
We ran with the wind, climbed the hillsides and let the breeze tangle our hair.
We allowed sandy clay to tickle bare feet, and imagined stories of those who walked this way before us.
We snapped photos on non-digital cameras, discovered a dinosaur in the sand – or was it an alligator?!
We laughed, splashed and waded through the surf, creating memories a world away from schedule and responsibility.
An unexpected day none of us have forgotten.
The other night I mulled it over on the way home from work, feeling nostalgic for simple, carefree spontaneity, after eight hours of fraud analysis and problem solving at my day job.
I pulled in the driveway to a storm-soaked yard, clouds hovering in the sky, and distant fog rising on the pond.
The day felt anything but carefree, cleaning and laundry waited inside, but even as I shifted the car into park, preparing to trudge into the house with a bevy of bags and empty tea cups, something about the smoky golden hour beckoned me closer.
I waffled, glancing across the property.
If only the yard weren’t so wet, I’d walk back to the pond for a few minutes.
The “if only” list started growing in my mind, until suddenly, “why not?” took it’s place.
Why not make a go of it, muddy grass and all?
Decision made, I slipped out of shiny black shoes, allowing the saturated ground to hug my toes, each squishy step gently lifting the cares of the day, easing tension in my shoulders, back and neck, as evening air refreshed hidden places of the soul.
Not on warm, peaceful shores of a foreign land, but in the soft twilight of my own backyard.
Because sometimes, when caught in the cycle of duty and responsibility, stepping outside of a routine is the best way to breathe fresh life back into it.
And perhaps, like me, you need this reminder too.
Yes, the luxury of an exotic vacation would be amazing.
But I wonder if red clay road moments are tiny gifts that can be unwrapped in every season, when we slow down with intention, and pause to:
Take the scenic route
Learn a new skill
Smile at a Stranger
Enjoy a slow nature walk
Have lunch or dinner with a friend
Take tea on the porch
Stroll down memory lane
Plan a day trip
Look through old photos
Make room for laughter
Count the stars
Listen to the symphony of God’s creation
So many options. So much to explore. And I’m sure this list doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface.
But maybe together, we can find encouragement to be spontaneous even in the mundane moments, take the road less traveled every now and then, and embrace the beautiful, unexpected surprises it has in store.
Reading your words reminds me of those rare times when I’ve stopped and really looked around, discovering (again) the gift of seeing ordinary through different eyes. I have learned to have a mini- vacation simply looking through a lovely magazine (like Victoria)!
A change of sight produces a change of heart, a calm heart. A renewed soul.
Thanks for this eloquent, lovely reminder!
Sandy, I love getting lost in a magazine too! Especially out on the porch with a breeze, and wind chimes setting the stage 🙂 Thank you for your encouragement, I really like the phrase you used – the gift of seeing ordinary through different eyes. May we always remember to do so!
I really enjoyed this reminder, Misty! Thank you for the sweet encouragement!
Thank you, Carlie – I appreciate you taking time to stop by and read the post – Blessings on your day! 🙂
I need the “why nots” in my life — there are too many “what ifs.” It’s hard for me to be spontaneous. What a wonderful reminder to grasp the joys of living.
Thank you for sharing your heart, Pamela. I know life has been very busy for you of late! I too, am trying to be spontaneous more often – I love structure, routine and list making – but making room for the “why nots” is something that adds a bit more sparkle to the day! 🙂
Dear Misty, this hit the tired spot–just right. Thank you for blessing me.
Hugs – Wendy
Wendy, thank you for sharing – that really means a lot to me. I feel like we are kindred spirits, and I’m so glad it encouraged you!
This is a good reminder. My dad helped us find a number of interesting and special spots over the years because he cultivated a holy curiosity in himself and us about the untraveled byways and interesting little things of wonder in God’s creation. Thanks for reminding us all about the importance of looking for these things.
Mary, what a blessing! Thank you for sharing that here. It’s great to hear stories of travel and adventure being experienced within a family setting, and the love for God’s wonderful creation being passed down. I appreciate you taking time to stop by and read the post!